The Parish of Christ Church, Willaston - in - Wirral, is an Anglican (Church of England) Parish Church. It is situated in the Deanery of Wirral South, within the Archdeaconry of Chester, which forms approximately 50% of the Diocese of Chester, The Diocese is situated within the Province of York.
Anyone who passes Christ Church will see it nestling in a rather prominent position on Neston Road, slightly elevated from the main road. Some may wonder a little about its history – well, this is where you find out the church was built in 1854 and completed in 1926. Built of sandstone, in a gothic revival style, it was originally built as a chapel of Ease to St. Mary and St. Helen in Neston, before becoming a Parish Church in its own right in 1865. The current building is Grade II listed.
Today, Christ Church plays an active role within the community which it serves, through prayer, baptism, weddings, celebrations of life, and actually being a part of the wider community of the village of Willaston and its population of 4,900 (source- Census 2001). Meet our current team below or click here to see details of our past clergy and fellow Christians who have upheld the Christ Church community in bygone days.
Revd Gordon MacLeod is leaving the Parish on 4th September, 2024, due to health concerns. He conducted his last service on Sunday, 1st September. We wish him every happiness in the future and the very best of health. It has been a pleasure to have Revd Gordon lead the church, parish and community.
Fr Lyndon has been Assistant Priest within the Parish since 2010. He is a Bishops’ National Advisor for Ministry and the Bishop’s Officer for Self Supporting Ordained Ministry within the Diocese of Chester. He is also a Member of the Chester Diocesan Academies Trust and a director of the Diocesan Board for Education. His ‘day-job’ finds him working in a large Church of England Academy, where he is the Assistant Headteacher.
Our Church Wardens are Mrs Viv Ley and Dr Martin Woodhead. Your church wardens help to look after the church and it's grounds and they perform certain administrative duties on behalf of the parish. Each Sunday, you will usually find them in church to assist you with any queries or address any of your access needs.
There are two Deputy Church Wardens, Mrs Chris Parry and Jane Murray.
Christ Church is lucky to have within its congregation, an active team of representatives who form the PCC (Parochial Church Council), and wonderful sidespeople, ranging from our friendly meet and greeters, to the people who look after our refreshments between services, to those who serve more formally as Deanery Synod, Sacristan, Verger, Sexton and Organist.
Christ Church has been part of village life for nearly 200 years. We’re pretty proud of that. For almost two centuries, we’ve been part of those special , joyous moments in your life, and we’ve been there for you to reflect and pray whenever life weighs you down.
The Christ Church community is a friendly group of people, and we believe that over the years we have been and will continue to be an active part of the wider Willaston in Wirral community.
We seek to know Christ and to make him known to you, through formal worship, quiet reflective prayer, activity groups and our workings within the village community.
Our church is warm and welcoming, you need never feel a stranger! Our worship takes the form of traditional communion services and a more relaxed, vibrant service blending more modern hymns with the age old tradition and values of the Church of England.
Copyright © 2024 Christ Church Willaston - All Rights Reserved.
safeguarding contact -
Sunday 22nd September 2024 - Joint Harvest on the Green Service - 10.30am at Willaston Memorial Hall. The service, led jointly by Christ Church and the Methodist Church, will take place outdoors, or in the event of bad weather, inside the Memorial Hall. Refreshments available afterwards.
Do come and Join us!
There are no further services at Christ Church as the church will be closed from 23rd September 2024 till early May, 2025 for re-ordering.
Services continue at 9am each Sunday at the Methodist Church during this period.