Welcome to the Parish of Christ Church Willaston - in- Wirral
Working to bring Christ into the Community
Working to bring Christ into the Community
If the church looks a bit bare and you can see chairs stacked up and things out of place, that's because today was the last Sunday that the church would be used for worship until early May 2025, once our re-ordering is complete. It's a comprehensive refurbishment totalling around half a million pounds. To start our re-ordering fund, the church sold it's church hall, which used to stand where Elizabeth Cottages now stand, next door to the Spar. The old church hall needed rebuilding and at the time, it was cost prohibitive to do so, and the decision taken was to sell the land it stood on to raise capital that would enable the church to replace the hall with a facility inside the church itself. So Christ Church is becoming a multi functional worship and Community Hub for the village.
Today's two services marked the last worship meetings for our congregation in the church as it looks now and how it has looked for 169 years! Next May, when we return to the newly refurbished building, the pews will have gone and in their place, flexible seating. The floor will be removed, renewed with underfloor heating - no more draughty mornings in a cold church! There will be a new accessible restroom, a new vestry, and a new refreshment space. The church will be replastered, redecorated and ready for the next 169 years of worship and community gatherings!
There's obviously some changes going to happen during the time Christ Church is closed for re-ordering. This starts on September 23rd 2024 and the church will be closed until May 2025. During this time, our friends and Ecumenical Partners at the Methodist Chapel have kindly opened their church to us. Naturally, this will mean some changes to our services and structure during this period. You'll find a monthly calendar here.
Sunday 22nd September (seventeenth after Trinity) - The Green
10.30 am for 10.45 - Joint Harvest Service
This is a joint service with the Methodist Church and is held on the green in front of the Memorial Hall or inside, in bad weather
Sunday 29th September (eighteenth after Trinity and St Michael and All Angels 'Michaelmas') - Methodist Chapel
9am - Parish Communion
This is our First Sunday at Willaston Methodist Church and our only service that day.
Sunday, 22nd September, 2024
Joint Harvest on the Green Service
Together with our Ecumenical Partners, we are holding our Harvest Service on the Green, outside Willaston Memorial Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend from 10.30am and after the service, there will be refreshments in the Memorial Hall. The service will be held inside the Memor
Sunday, 22nd September, 2024
Joint Harvest on the Green Service
Together with our Ecumenical Partners, we are holding our Harvest Service on the Green, outside Willaston Memorial Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend from 10.30am and after the service, there will be refreshments in the Memorial Hall. The service will be held inside the Memorial Hall in adverse weather. Come for the service and the refreshments, or come along for the Sunday Snacks!
Friday, October 4th
Murder Mystery Evening
Join us from 7.30pm at Willaston Memorial Hall for a great evening for mayhem and murder! Come along and try to solve 'whodunnit' whilst enjoying a three course dinner and a licensed bar! It's a great evening out with friends and family. Tickets £30 pp from Helen Heath on 07477 582577
Check back in for details of our November event!
The building of Christ Church began in 1854 and was completed in 1926. Our church is a gothic revival Grade II listed building, prominently situated on Neston Road, in the heart of Willaston, Wirral. Fr Lyndon Bannon, and Christ Church aim to serve the community through prayer, action and involvement in village life and its wider issues. Find out more
Lots of people haven't found God yet, or some that have don't visit church, but here at Christ Church, we extend a warm welcome to new members of our church and wider community. If you are curious about God, church life in general, or want to simply be part of a Christian community within your community, then spend a Sunday morning with u
Lots of people haven't found God yet, or some that have don't visit church, but here at Christ Church, we extend a warm welcome to new members of our church and wider community. If you are curious about God, church life in general, or want to simply be part of a Christian community within your community, then spend a Sunday morning with us and discover what we - and God - have to offer. Find out more
Church life obviously focusses around our planned worship, which takes place each Sunday and there are extra services at certain times within the liturgical calendar, such as Easter, Harvest and Christmas. There are other activities, in the form of Bible study, men's group, ladies Uplift group, and Home group which are alternative ways for you to form a greater connection with God. Find out more.
We want Christ Church to be seen to be supporting the community and working with local groups and businesses to let them know that God is always on hand, even if He sometimes has to send Fr Lyndon on the odd occasion. We've already established strong links with Willaston C of E school, and we want to forge stronger links with the wider village community. Find out more
A traditional service including the partaking of communion.
A shorter, vibrant service with modern hymns and songs.
As we move forward in faith, Christ Church continually strives to work towards making the church and the wider community available and accessible to all. But, of course, in order for us to continue our vision of our faith, we know we could not do this without your generosity, in time, in expertise and in financial support. We are extremely grateful to those who commit to our work both within the church and the wider community.
If you would like to contribute, please think about donating when the offering plate is passed around each Sunday, or by using the QR code to give to our Re-ordering project, details of which can be found here. Thank you
We are committed to the safeguarding of children, victims of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults. Details of our safeguarding policy and procedures can be found by clicking here
Copyright © 2024 Christ Church Willaston - All Rights Reserved.
safeguarding contact - Aswillaston@outlook.com
Sunday 22nd September 2024 - Joint Harvest on the Green Service - 10.30am at Willaston Memorial Hall. The service, led jointly by Christ Church and the Methodist Church, will take place outdoors, or in the event of bad weather, inside the Memorial Hall. Refreshments available afterwards.
Do come and Join us!
There are no further services at Christ Church as the church will be closed from 23rd September 2024 till early May, 2025 for re-ordering.
Services continue at 9am each Sunday at the Methodist Church during this period.